Useful contacts
Lewisham Parent/Carer forum
Lewisham Parent and Carer Forum (LPCF) is a voluntary group of parents and carers of children and young people (0-25) with special/additional needs and disabilities (SEND) living in the London Borough of Lewisham
SENDIAS Lewisham
Free, confidential and impartial service, which offers accurate information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with SEND
Kaleidoscope Child Development Centre
020 7138 1100
32 Rushey Green, Catford SE6 4JF
The Lewisham Centre for Children and Young People provides a range of services under one roof including CAMHS, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, communication clinic. This is the Lewisham centre for ASD diagnosis
NAS Greenwich Branch
Drumbeat Outreach
Drumbeat Outreach is a team of teachers and specialist advisers offering support, advice and training to children, families and professionals in Lewisham. We work across all mainstream educational settings, including Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools, and Post Sixteen provisions. Schools and colleges can buy in support from the Outreach Team through a Service Level Agreement (SLA)
CLASH (Campaign in Lewisham for Autism Spectrum Housing)
Run by volunteers who are also SIGNAL members, CLASH has successfully campaigned for autistic housing in Lewisham, but the work is ongoing
Contact (formerly Contact a Family)
0808 808 3555
For parents and carers in UK who have a child with any kind of disability or additional need
Lewisham branch: lewisham.office@contact.org.uk or 020 8297 8056
National Autistic Society
General Helpline: 0808 800 4104
Education Rights Service: 0808 800 4102
School Exclusion Service: 0808 800 4002
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (known as IPSEA) offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations
020 8538 3731
SOS!SEN offer a free, friendly, independent and confidential helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on special educational needs and disability
Ambitious About Autism
A national charity for children and young people with autism. We provide education and employment services, raise awareness and understanding and campaign for change. Their mission is to make the ordinary possible for children and young people with autism
SEN Jungle
Creates easy to understand resources, articles ad information for parents and carers of children with special needs, disabilities and health conditions to better help them navigate the special needs system
Autism Education Trust
AET helps ensure that autistic children and young people receive an education that enables them to fulfil their aspirations and engage in society as active citizens
Network 81
Network 81 is a charity that supports, advises and trains parents and carers about the education of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Support for families where a child has any brain condition including autism. Cerebra also have a Sleep Service
Mencap works towards “a world where people with a learning disability are valued equally, listened to and included. Everything we do is about making this world a reality”
Organisation that promotes online safety for children and young people
Disability benefits
Benefit information - including DLA (Disability Living Allowance) and PIP (Personal Independence Payments)