Upcoming events
Coffee Mornings, Day Trips, Workshops and other events
Locations for these events will be in the emails sent. if you are not sure or have any queries please contact admin@signalfamilysupport.org

Coffee Morning
come along to our coffee morning to meet other parents, share infomation/resources and have a cuppa!
EMAIL admin@signalfamilysupport.org for more information
Online Workshop - Demand Avoidance
Join us for this online workshop in collaboration with Contact’s Autism Hub London for this Demand Avoidance session

Coffee Morning
come along to our coffee morning at the Lewisham CommUNITY Space in lewisham shopping centre opposite TK MAXX to meet other parents, share infomation/resources and have a cuppa!

Coffee Morning
come along to our coffee morning at the Lewisham CommUNITY Space in lewisham shopping centre opposite TK MAXX to meet other parents, share infomation/resources and have a cuppa!

Coffee Morning
come along to our coffee morning at the Lewisham CommUNITY Space in lewisham shopping centre opposite TK MAXX to meet other parents, share infomation/resources and have a cuppa!

Online Workshop - ARFID
Join us for this online workshop in collaboration with Contact’s Autism Hub London for this ARFID session

Coffee Morning
come along to our coffee morning at the Lewisham CommUNITY Space in lewisham shopping centre opposite TK MAXX to meet other parents, share infomation/resources and have a cuppa!

Coffee Morning
A brief breakdown of what EBSA/ETOAS/HOP is;
EBSA: Emotional Based School Avoidance. This refers to situations where a child avoids school due to emotional issues rather than specific academic or behavioral problems.
EOTAS: Education Other Than At School. This term is used for educational arrangements where a child receives their education outside of the traditional school setting, often due to health or behavioral needs.
HOP: Home Education Plan. This is a plan outlining how a child will be educated at home, which can be part of a broader approach to address their individual needs.

Coffee Morning
Come along for a chat, coffee and biscuits and support from other parents/carers

Candida’s Retirement Party
Come along to wish Candida well in her retirement! - venue TBC
Pete Black Workshop
This is what Pete has to say about himself:
"Hello. I’m Pete. As an autism specialist (by trade) and an autistic person (by everyday existence), I am privileged to support young autistic people in their quests to find purpose and fulfilment in everyday life. Although I left school some 25 years ago, my schooldays were pretty miserable and I empathise with young people who don’t fit neatly and quietly into the education system. I’m not an expert at any one thing, but I’m enthusiastic about music; writing; clothing customisation; poetry; personal training; weightlifting; UX design; psychology; typography and street art. Increasingly, I strive to craft a structured and organised life; building boundaries and confines within which creative chaos can safely ensue!"

Coach trip to Margate
join us on our annual trip to the beach. this years chosen beach is Margate.